A new girly race for stealth mage classes

Name: Sisters of the DuskVersion: 1.0Author(s): Lucha
Requirements========- Oblivion Patch Custom Race Fix (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1815)- Boethia Shrine Custom Race Fix (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3500)- HG EyeCandy Body (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15802)
Description========Five new dusk flowers are at your service.Sorceresses from the inner side of the Dark Vale, strong magicians, filthy murderers, who stick a poisoned knife in the back.
Install=======Unpack the archive in some folderCopy the folder "Data" into folder "Oblivion"Open filemanager and tick beside "L'Sisters of the Dusk.esp"If you want to use one of the tatooed faces just copy the texture you need in Data/Textures/Nobody/Head and Body and rename it as 'Head'
Uninstall=========Remove a tick beside "L'Sisters of the Dusk.esp"Delete all the files related to the mod
Contacts========You can find me on Nexus sites (http://tes.nexusmods.com/modules/members/index.php?id=1150095)You can find me on TES Advantures Forum (http://tesadventures.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=1415)You can send me an e-mail to Luchafurel@gmail.com
Credits======Thanks to Bethesda for creating OblivionThanks to RAIAR and Madcat221 for HGEC bodyThanks to navetsea for HGEC hi-rez texturesThanks to idkrrr for hair-stylesThanks to CapsAdmin for Smooth .egt fileThanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on
Licensing=======You can use this resource freely.You can include these textures in your mods and release them for sure, BUT FIRST WRITE TO ME so I could know where my resources is used.You can not re-upload this mod on any other site WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
And a surprise for those who read description - non-photoshopped screenshot
Mirror II
Mirror III
Неотфотошопленная картинка больше всего понравилась)
ReplyDeleteРаса выглядит очень эффектно - мне нравится. Особенно необычно смотрится макияж на фоне белой кожи. Спасибо ^^
Спасибо :3
DeleteНу...вампироподобные фемме фаталь это то, что у меня всегда получается, чтобы я ни делала хд
Hi great rreading your blog